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Reminder: 2024 Club AGM This Week

Reminder: 2024 Club AGM This Week

Dave Allen18 May - 19:39
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Ahead of our 2024 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, positions on the Committee are available for any interested nominees.

Our 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday May 22 (8pm) at our Saltcoats Park Clubhouse, and is open to all club members.

SWF RFC Committee Roles are:
Hon Secretary
Hon Treasurer
Director of Rugby
Youth Chairman
Club Captain
2XV Captain
Fixture Secretary - Senior
Fixture Secretary - Junior
Safeguarding/Welfare Office
Membership Secretary - Senior (Senior Club Manager)
Membership Secretary - Youth (Minis Chairman)
Social Secretary
Press Officer
RSSP Clubhouse Manager

In addition, should anyone wish to work as Commercial Officer for the club during the 2024/25 season, please contact us.

Should anyone be wishing to nominate themselves for any role, please contact Danielle Williams.

Further reading